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Dedicated to all the hackers – Pho3nix (Roulette Cinese)

We finally con­cluded the Hacker Visual Con­test through which we col­lected video­clips and art­work from the hacker world which we used to assem­ble the offi­cial video­clip for the song “Pho3nix” (Roulette Cinese) ded­i­cated to the hacker world.
I feel obliged to thank all of the par­tic­i­pants, cred­its are added at the end of the clip with a spe­cial men­tion to Chris­tan Milani for the out­stand­ing remix, to Roberto “SyS64738” Preatoni for pro­mot­ing the idea through­out the hacker world and to Gian­luca Zenone aka Alex Dreiser for the video­clip real­iza­tion.
Thanks again to all of you and… enjoy the clip.

Joe Raggi (Roulette Cinese)
(for what is worth: https://itunes.apple.com/it/artist/roulette-cinese/id286575097)


source: Zone-H

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