The screenshots on this page are contributed by various Gentoo users. Information about the themes used, background images, etc. is not available through Gentoo. You will need to contact the author of the screenshot (if you can find this person) for more information.
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First place 2010 screenshot contest!
The window manager is E17, built from the official EFL overlay with itask-ng. The window manager theme is A-SBlack2.edj for the main, grey.edj for the clock, and detour-glossy-red.edj for the itask-ng bar. The wallpaper is Black_wall.edj gimped to properly render at 1920x1080. The terminals are x11-terms/terminal, GTK theme is "crude." The application running in the busy shot is mixxx. The compositor is ecomp with the ecomorph module. The icons on the itask-ng bar are "Token Light."
Simple is beautiful but it must be functional and provide the user with tangible information.
Shawn's box currently runs compiz as the window manager with xfce4-panel. The wallpaper is plain old #000000 (black). Two app-admin/conky-1.8.0 instances render the desktop eye-candy. The first conky instance powers the ring meters. The rings represent cpu usage (large white rings), memory usage (green ring), and file system usage (yellow rings). The second conky instance runs the bottom info bar with uptime, temps, up/download speeds, calendar and curent time. The globe image is taken from and is a "Mollweide" projection of the earth's day/night shadow and He uses cron plus a small script to update the image every hour. (The clouds are updated every three hours.) Cool, eh?
Mona's custom Xfce environment is from the xfce-dev overlay. It's on an ~amd64 desktop running compiz-fusion, modded Salmon gtk2 theme, recolored Humanity Colors icon theme, conky and pcmanfm2 for the desktop, lxterminal and a fine-tuned claws-mail instance. It's completely lightweight and runs stable enough as her everyday main system.
The judges liked Michał's balance between icon theme, background, custom conky fonts and the whole look of his desktop.
The window manager is dwm. Terminal emulator: urxvt. Wallpaper: of unknown origin. Font: Proggy Tiny Slashed Zero.
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