Subject: | Otomasi |
Alt. Subject : | Automatic control |
Keyword: | timming lampu lalu lintas komunikasi protokol TCP/IP |
[ Description ]
Seiring dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi, maka pelayanan tranportasi juga harus ditingkatkan untuk menghin- dari terjadinya berbagai permasalahan transportasi. Sistem peng- aturan lampu lalu lintas merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam pelayanan transportasi dan sudah selayaknya segera dilakukan per- baikan terhadap sistem yang ada karena sistem yang lama memiliki banyak kelemahan. Tugas akhir ini merancang dan mengimplemen- tasikan simulasi lampu lalu lintas cerdas menggunakan fuzzy logic yang dapat bekerja eksibel terhadap volume kendaraan. Metode Fuzzy logic digunakan untuk menentukan timming lampu lalu lintas yang sesuai dengan volume kendaraan yang sedang mengantri pa- da suatu persimpangan. Perangkat lunak dibuat untuk mensimula- sikan pengaturan lampu lalu lintas pada suatu persimpangan. Hard- ware ethernut dipakai untuk menyalakan lampu lalu lintas tiruan melalui komunikasi protokol TCP/IP. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pengaturan lampu lalu lintas menggunakan fuzzy logic dengan pengaturan lampu lalu lintas konvensional. Hasil pengujian simulasi dalam tugas akhir menunjukkan bahwa sistem lampu lalu lintas menggunakan fuzzy logic dapat menurunkan delay kendaraan sebesar 48,44% dan panjang antrian kendaraan sebesar 56,24% jika dibandingkan dengan sistem lampu lalu lintas konven- sional. Nilai tersebut merupakan rata-rata dari semua jalur persim- pangan.
Alt. Description
Along with high population growth rates, the transporta- tion services should be improved to avoid various occurrence of transportation problems. Tra c light control system is one of im- portant parts in the transportion services and must be improved immediately due to many the weaknesses of the existing system. This nal project has purpose to design and implement the simu- lation of an intelligent tra c light using fuzzy logic that can work more exible againts the volume of vehicles. Fuzzy logic method used to determine the timming of tra c lights depend on volume of vehicles that are queuing at the intersection. The software is made to simulate the tra c light at intersection. Ethernut board used to set the tra c light replica through TCP/IP communication proto- col. The testing has purpose to compare the results beetwen the tra c light using fuzzy logic with conventional tra c light. Test results in simulation of this nal project show that the tra c light system using fuzzy logic reduce vehicle delay of 48.44% and the ve- hicle queue of 56.24% than conventional tra c light system. This values are average of all the intersection lanes.
Contributor | : |
Date Create | : | 02/09/2009 |
Type | : | Text |
Format | : | pdf. |
Language | : | Indonesian |
Identifier | : | ITS-Undergraduate-3100009035588 |
Collection ID | : | 3100009035588 |
Call Number | : | RSE 629.801 511 313 Dwi s |
Source :
Undergraduate Theses of Electrical Engineering, RSE 629.801 511 313 Dwi s, 2009
Coverage :
ITS Community Only
Rights :
Copyright @2009 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrievel system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to ITS Library
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