It's FAKE!!! LET'S start out by saying that first. you put your Gmail info into the builder it creates another .exe thats the exe you send to other people. you need really good social engineering skills to actually hack someone. DO'NOT send the person you are trying to hack the "builder" created by me that for you and you only i already saw one person on youtube using my program let's just put it like this he screwed up. but skiddies on youtube think it works why because you can make it display any password you want if it helps send me your youtube link so i can review it before you actually show the skiddies. You can hack alot of people if your really good study my program and the results will show. skiddies on youtube don't know this so the more popular it becomes the less people will believe it so hurry up and make your video before someone else does.

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Note* You can backdoor it or keylog it for all you please. I really don't care!

Current project working on Next: Super Nova Version 2 (it's a keylogger if you didn't know been working on it for almost 2 weeks now.) might release later today or sometime this week. once i fix one little thing.